About the author

Margaret Randall and Sarah Knight

Margaret Randall was born in the U.K. and came to Kingston, Ontario when she was 11 years old, where she had to walk ten miles to school in the snow uphill both ways. She raised three children – Sarah, Rachel and James - whose lives she filled with joy. Like many parents she always made time to read at least one story to them before bed. Sometimes the published children books were not enough, so she wove wild tails of her own to keep them entertained. The Sockpicker is the first of them to be publicly released. She is currently retired and living in Woodstock, Ontario.

Sarah Knight is Margaret's oldest child with a talent for art that has enriched the lives (and walls) of her family and friends. She has a 19-year-old son who still insists on having The Sockpicker read to him every night before bed… just kidding. While she paints and draws in her spare time, she spends most of her days helping people to heal themselves and their relationships with each other and the earth. You can read more at her website www.humhealing.com. She lives in Kingston, Ontario.